Maya Shader Attributes

Maya Surface


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
primitiveId (Primitive Id) long
raySampler (Ray Sampler) addr
rayDepth (Ray Depth) short
rayInstance (Ray Instance) long
refractionLimit (Refraction Limit) short
refractiveIndex (Refractive Index) float
mediumRefractiveIndex (Medium Refractive Index) float
refractions (Refractions) bool
diffuse (Diffuse) float
rayDirection (Ray Direction) float3
rayDirectionX (Ray Direction X) float
rayDirectionY (Ray Direction Y) float
rayDirectionZ (Ray Direction Z) float
color (Color) float3
colorR (Color R) float
colorG (Color G) float
colorB (Color B) float
transparency (Transparency) float3
transparencyR (Transparency R) float
transparencyG (Transparency G) float
transparencyB (Transparency B) float
ambientColor (Ambient Color) float3
ambientColorR (Ambient Color R) float
ambientColorG (Ambient Color G) float
ambientColorB (Ambient Color B) float
incandescence (Incandescence) float3
incandescenceR (Incandescence R) float
incandescenceG (Incandescence G) float
incandescenceB (Incandescence B) float
translucence (Translucence) float
translucenceFocus (Translucence Focus) float
translucenceDepth (Translucence Depth) float
opacityDepth (Opacity Depth) float
glowIntensity (Glow Intensity) float
vrOverwriteDefaults (Vr Overwrite Defaults) bool
vrFillObject (Vr Fill Object) enum
vrEdgeWeight (Vr Edge Weight) double
vrEdgeColor (Vr Edge Color) float3
vrEdgeColorR (Vr Edge Color R) float
vrEdgeColorG (Vr Edge Color G) float
vrEdgeColorB (Vr Edge Color B) float
vrEdgeStyle (Vr Edge Style) enum
vrEdgePriority (Vr Edge Priority) long
vrHiddenEdges (Vr Hidden Edges) bool
vrHiddenEdgesOnTransparent (Vr Hidden Edges On Transparent) bool
vrOutlinesAtIntersections (Vr Outlines At Intersections) bool
materialAlphaGain (Material Alpha Gain) float
hideSource (Hide Source) bool
surfaceThickness (Surface Thickness) float
shadowAttenuation (Shadow Attenuation) float
transparencyDepth (Transparency Depth) float
lightAbsorbance (Light Absorbance) float
chromaticAberration (Chromatic Aberration) bool
outColor (Out Color) float3
outColorR (Out Color R) float
outColorG (Out Color G) float
outColorB (Out Color B) float
outTransparency (Out Transparency) float3
outTransparencyR (Out Transparency R) float
outTransparencyG (Out Transparency G) float
outTransparencyB (Out Transparency B) float
outGlowColor (Out Glow Color) float3
outGlowColorR (Out Glow Color R) float
outGlowColorG (Out Glow Color G) float
outGlowColorB (Out Glow Color B) float
pointCamera (Point Camera) float3
pointCameraX (Point Camera X) float
pointCameraY (Point Camera Y) float
pointCameraZ (Point Camera Z) float
normalCamera (Normal Camera) float3
normalCameraX (Normal Camera X) float
normalCameraY (Normal Camera Y) float
normalCameraZ (Normal Camera Z) float
matteOpacityMode (Matte Opacity Mode) enum
matteOpacity (Matte Opacity) float
outMatteOpacity (Out Matte Opacity) float3
outMatteOpacityR (Out Matte Opacity R) float
outMatteOpacityG (Out Matte Opacity G) float
outMatteOpacityB (Out Matte Opacity B) float
hardwareShader (Hardware Shader) float3
hardwareShaderR (Hardware Shader R) float
hardwareShaderG (Hardware Shader G) float
hardwareShaderB (Hardware Shader B) float
reflectionLimit (Reflection Limit) short
specularColor (Specular Color) float3
specularColorR (Specular Color R) float
specularColorG (Specular Color G) float
specularColorB (Specular Color B) float
reflectivity (Reflectivity) float
reflectedColor (Reflected Color) float3
reflectedColorR (Reflected Color R) float
reflectedColorG (Reflected Color G) float
reflectedColorB (Reflected Color B) float
triangleNormalCamera (Triangle Normal Camera) float3
triangleNormalCameraX (Triangle Normal Camera X) float
triangleNormalCameraY (Triangle Normal Camera Y) float
triangleNormalCameraZ (Triangle Normal Camera Z) float
reflectionSpecularity (Reflection Specularity) float
eccentricity (Eccentricity) float
specularRollOff (Specular Roll Off) float
reflectionRolloff (Reflection Rolloff) bool


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
objectId (Object Id) addr
primitiveId (Primitive Id) long
raySampler (Ray Sampler) addr
rayDepth (Ray Depth) short
rayInstance (Ray Instance) long
refractionLimit (Refraction Limit) short
refractiveIndex (Refractive Index) float
mediumRefractiveIndex (Medium Refractive Index) float
refractions (Refractions) bool
diffuse (Diffuse) float
rayDirection (Ray Direction) float3
rayDirectionX (Ray Direction X) float
rayDirectionY (Ray Direction Y) float
rayDirectionZ (Ray Direction Z) float
color (Color) float3
colorR (Color R) float
colorG (Color G) float
colorB (Color B) float
transparency (Transparency) float3
transparencyR (Transparency R) float
transparencyG (Transparency G) float
transparencyB (Transparency B) float
ambientColor (Ambient Color) float3
ambientColorR (Ambient Color R) float
ambientColorG (Ambient Color G) float
ambientColorB (Ambient Color B) float
incandescence (Incandescence) float3
incandescenceR (Incandescence R) float
incandescenceG (Incandescence G) float
incandescenceB (Incandescence B) float
translucence (Translucence) float
translucenceFocus (Translucence Focus) float
translucenceDepth (Translucence Depth) float
opacityDepth (Opacity Depth) float
glowIntensity (Glow Intensity) float
vrOverwriteDefaults (Vr Overwrite Defaults) bool
vrFillObject (Vr Fill Object) enum
vrEdgeWeight (Vr Edge Weight) double
vrEdgeColor (Vr Edge Color) float3
vrEdgeColorR (Vr Edge Color R) float
vrEdgeColorG (Vr Edge Color G) float
vrEdgeColorB (Vr Edge Color B) float
vrEdgeStyle (Vr Edge Style) enum
vrEdgePriority (Vr Edge Priority) long
vrHiddenEdges (Vr Hidden Edges) bool
vrHiddenEdgesOnTransparent (Vr Hidden Edges On Transparent) bool
vrOutlinesAtIntersections (Vr Outlines At Intersections) bool
materialAlphaGain (Material Alpha Gain) float
hideSource (Hide Source) bool
surfaceThickness (Surface Thickness) float
shadowAttenuation (Shadow Attenuation) float
transparencyDepth (Transparency Depth) float
lightAbsorbance (Light Absorbance) float
chromaticAberration (Chromatic Aberration) bool
outColor (Out Color) float3
outColorR (Out Color R) float
outColorG (Out Color G) float
outColorB (Out Color B) float
outTransparency (Out Transparency) float3
outTransparencyR (Out Transparency R) float
outTransparencyG (Out Transparency G) float
outTransparencyB (Out Transparency B) float
outGlowColor (Out Glow Color) float3
outGlowColorR (Out Glow Color R) float
outGlowColorG (Out Glow Color G) float
outGlowColorB (Out Glow Color B) float
pointCamera (Point Camera) float3
pointCameraX (Point Camera X) float
pointCameraY (Point Camera Y) float
pointCameraZ (Point Camera Z) float
normalCamera (Normal Camera) float3
normalCameraX (Normal Camera X) float
normalCameraY (Normal Camera Y) float
normalCameraZ (Normal Camera Z) float
lightDataArray (Light Data Array) TdataCompound
matteOpacityMode (Matte Opacity Mode) enum
matteOpacity (Matte Opacity) float
outMatteOpacity (Out Matte Opacity) float3
outMatteOpacityR (Out Matte Opacity R) float
outMatteOpacityG (Out Matte Opacity G) float
outMatteOpacityB (Out Matte Opacity B) float
hardwareShader (Hardware Shader) float3
hardwareShaderR (Hardware Shader R) float
hardwareShaderG (Hardware Shader G) float
hardwareShaderB (Hardware Shader B) float


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
objectId (Object Id) addr
primitiveId (Primitive Id) long
raySampler (Ray Sampler) addr
rayDepth (Ray Depth) short
rayInstance (Ray Instance) long
refractionLimit (Refraction Limit) short
refractiveIndex (Refractive Index) float
mediumRefractiveIndex (Medium Refractive Index) float
refractions (Refractions) bool
diffuse (Diffuse) float
rayDirection (Ray Direction) float3
rayDirectionX (Ray Direction X) float
rayDirectionY (Ray Direction Y) float
rayDirectionZ (Ray Direction Z) float
color (Color) float3
colorR (Color R) float
colorG (Color G) float
colorB (Color B) float
transparency (Transparency) float3
transparencyR (Transparency R) float
transparencyG (Transparency G) float
transparencyB (Transparency B) float
ambientColor (Ambient Color) float3
ambientColorR (Ambient Color R) float
ambientColorG (Ambient Color G) float
ambientColorB (Ambient Color B) float
incandescence (Incandescence) float3
incandescenceR (Incandescence R) float
incandescenceG (Incandescence G) float
incandescenceB (Incandescence B) float
translucence (Translucence) float
translucenceFocus (Translucence Focus) float
translucenceDepth (Translucence Depth) float
opacityDepth (Opacity Depth) float
glowIntensity (Glow Intensity) float
vrOverwriteDefaults (Vr Overwrite Defaults) bool
vrFillObject (Vr Fill Object) enum
vrEdgeWeight (Vr Edge Weight) double
vrEdgeColor (Vr Edge Color) float3
vrEdgeColorR (Vr Edge Color R) float
vrEdgeColorG (Vr Edge Color G) float
vrEdgeColorB (Vr Edge Color B) float
vrEdgeStyle (Vr Edge Style) enum
vrEdgePriority (Vr Edge Priority) long
vrHiddenEdges (Vr Hidden Edges) bool
vrHiddenEdgesOnTransparent (Vr Hidden Edges On Transparent) bool
vrOutlinesAtIntersections (Vr Outlines At Intersections) bool
materialAlphaGain (Material Alpha Gain) float
hideSource (Hide Source) bool
surfaceThickness (Surface Thickness) float
shadowAttenuation (Shadow Attenuation) float
transparencyDepth (Transparency Depth) float
lightAbsorbance (Light Absorbance) float
chromaticAberration (Chromatic Aberration) bool
outColor (Out Color) float3
outColorR (Out Color R) float
outColorG (Out Color G) float
outColorB (Out Color B) float
outTransparency (Out Transparency) float3
outTransparencyR (Out Transparency R) float
outTransparencyG (Out Transparency G) float
outTransparencyB (Out Transparency B) float
outGlowColor (Out Glow Color) float3
outGlowColorR (Out Glow Color R) float
outGlowColorG (Out Glow Color G) float
outGlowColorB (Out Glow Color B) float
pointCamera (Point Camera) float3
pointCameraX (Point Camera X) float
pointCameraY (Point Camera Y) float
pointCameraZ (Point Camera Z) float
normalCamera (Normal Camera) float3
normalCameraX (Normal Camera X) float
normalCameraY (Normal Camera Y) float
normalCameraZ (Normal Camera Z) float
matteOpacityMode (Matte Opacity Mode) enum
matteOpacity (Matte Opacity) float
outMatteOpacity (Out Matte Opacity) float3
outMatteOpacityR (Out Matte Opacity R) float
outMatteOpacityG (Out Matte Opacity G) float
outMatteOpacityB (Out Matte Opacity B) float
hardwareShader (Hardware Shader) float3
hardwareShaderR (Hardware Shader R) float
hardwareShaderG (Hardware Shader G) float
hardwareShaderB (Hardware Shader B) float
reflectionLimit (Reflection Limit) short
specularColor (Specular Color) float3
specularColorR (Specular Color R) float
specularColorG (Specular Color G) float
specularColorB (Specular Color B) float
reflectivity (Reflectivity) float
reflectedColor (Reflected Color) float3
reflectedColorR (Reflected Color R) float
reflectedColorG (Reflected Color G) float
reflectedColorB (Reflected Color B) float
triangleNormalCamera (Triangle Normal Camera) float3
triangleNormalCameraX (Triangle Normal Camera X) float
triangleNormalCameraY (Triangle Normal Camera Y) float
triangleNormalCameraZ (Triangle Normal Camera Z) float
reflectionSpecularity (Reflection Specularity) float
cosinePower (Cosine Power) float

Maya 2D Texture


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
uvCoord (Uv Coord) float2
uCoord (U Coord) float
vCoord (V Coord) float
uvFilterSize (Uv Filter Size) float2
uvFilterSizeX (Uv Filter Size X) float
uvFilterSizeY (Uv Filter Size Y) float
filter (Filter) float
filterOffset (Filter Offset) float
invert (Invert) bool
alphaIsLuminance (Alpha Is Luminance) bool
colorGain (Color Gain) float3
colorGainR (Color Gain R) float
colorGainG (Color Gain G) float
colorGainB (Color Gain B) float
colorOffset (Color Offset) float3
colorOffsetR (Color Offset R) float
colorOffsetG (Color Offset G) float
colorOffsetB (Color Offset B) float
alphaGain (Alpha Gain) float
alphaOffset (Alpha Offset) float
defaultColor (Default Color) float3
defaultColorR (Default Color R) float
defaultColorG (Default Color G) float
defaultColorB (Default Color B) float
outColor (Out Color) float3
outColorR (Out Color R) float
outColorG (Out Color G) float
outColorB (Out Color B) float
outAlpha (Out Alpha) float
color1 (Color 1) float3
color1R (Color 1R) float
color1G (Color 1G) float
color1B (Color 1B) float
color2 (Color 2) float3
color2R (Color 2R) float
color2G (Color 2G) float
color2B (Color 2B) float
contrast (Contrast) float
aiUserOptions (Ai User Options) string
aiColor1 (Ai Color 1) float3
aiColor1R (Ai Color 1R) float
aiColor1G (Ai Color 1G) float
aiColor1B (Ai Color 1B) float
aiColor2 (Ai Color 2) float3
aiColor2R (Ai Color 2R) float
aiColor2G (Ai Color 2G) float
aiColor2B (Ai Color 2B) float
aiContrast (Ai Contrast) float
aiUvCoord (Ai Uv Coord) float2
aiUvCoordX (Ai Uv Coord X) float
aiUvCoordY (Ai Uv Coord Y) float
aiDefaultColor (Ai Default Color) float3
aiDefaultColorR (Ai Default Color R) float
aiDefaultColorG (Ai Default Color G) float
aiDefaultColorB (Ai Default Color B) float
aiColorGain (Ai Color Gain) float3
aiColorGainR (Ai Color Gain R) float
aiColorGainG (Ai Color Gain G) float
aiColorGainB (Ai Color Gain B) float
aiColorOffset (Ai Color Offset) float3
aiColorOffsetR (Ai Color Offset R) float
aiColorOffsetG (Ai Color Offset G) float
aiColorOffsetB (Ai Color Offset B) float
aiAlphaGain (Ai Alpha Gain) float
aiAlphaOffset (Ai Alpha Offset) float
aiAlphaIsLuminance (Ai Alpha Is Luminance) bool
aiInvert (Ai Invert) bool
aiExposure (Ai Exposure) float
aiFilter (Ai Filter) float
aiFilterOffset (Ai Filter Offset) float


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
uvCoord (Uv Coord) float2
uCoord (U Coord) float
vCoord (V Coord) float
uvFilterSize (Uv Filter Size) float2
uvFilterSizeX (Uv Filter Size X) float
uvFilterSizeY (Uv Filter Size Y) float
filter (Filter) float
filterOffset (Filter Offset) float
invert (Invert) bool
alphaIsLuminance (Alpha Is Luminance) bool
colorGain (Color Gain) float3
colorGainR (Color Gain R) float
colorGainG (Color Gain G) float
colorGainB (Color Gain B) float
colorOffset (Color Offset) float3
colorOffsetR (Color Offset R) float
colorOffsetG (Color Offset G) float
colorOffsetB (Color Offset B) float
alphaGain (Alpha Gain) float
alphaOffset (Alpha Offset) float
defaultColor (Default Color) float3
defaultColorR (Default Color R) float
defaultColorG (Default Color G) float
defaultColorB (Default Color B) float
outColor (Out Color) float3
outColorR (Out Color R) float
outColorG (Out Color G) float
outColorB (Out Color B) float
outAlpha (Out Alpha) float
fileTextureName (File Texture Name) string
fileTextureNamePattern (File Texture Name Pattern) string
computedFileTextureNamePattern (Computed File Texture Name Pattern) string
disableFileLoad (Disable File Load) bool
useFrameExtension (Use Frame Extension) bool
frameExtension (Frame Extension) long
frameOffset (Frame Offset) long
useHardwareTextureCycling (Use Hardware Texture Cycling) bool
startCycleExtension (Start Cycle Extension) long
endCycleExtension (End Cycle Extension) long
byCycleIncrement (By Cycle Increment) long
forceSwatchGen (Force Swatch Gen) bool
filterType (Filter Type) enum
filterWidth (Filter Width) float
preFilter (Pre Filter) bool
preFilterRadius (Pre Filter Radius) float
useCache (Use Cache) bool
useMaximumRes (Use Maximum Res) bool
uvTilingMode (Uv Tiling Mode) enum
explicitUvTiles (Explicit Uv Tiles) TdataCompound
baseExplicitUvTilePosition (Base Explicit Uv Tile Position) float2
baseExplicitUvTilePositionU (Base Explicit Uv Tile Position U) float
baseExplicitUvTilePositionV (Base Explicit Uv Tile Position V) float
uvTileProxyDirty (Uv Tile Proxy Dirty) bool
uvTileProxyGenerate (Uv Tile Proxy Generate) bool
uvTileProxyQuality (Uv Tile Proxy Quality) enum
coverage (Coverage) float2
coverageU (Coverage U) float
coverageV (Coverage V) float
translateFrame (Translate Frame) float2
translateFrameU (Translate Frame U) float
translateFrameV (Translate Frame V) float
rotateFrame (Rotate Frame) doubleAngle
doTransform (Do Transform) bool
mirrorU (Mirror U) bool
mirrorV (Mirror V) bool
stagger (Stagger) bool
wrapU (Wrap U) bool
wrapV (Wrap V) bool
repeatUV (Repeat UV) float2
repeatU (Repeat U) float
repeatV (Repeat V) float
offset (Offset) float2
offsetU (Offset U) float
offsetV (Offset V) float
rotateUV (Rotate UV) doubleAngle
noiseUV (Noise UV) float2
noiseU (Noise U) float
noiseV (Noise V) float
blurPixelation (Blur Pixelation) bool
vertexCameraOne (Vertex Camera One) float3
vertexCameraOneX (Vertex Camera One X) float
vertexCameraOneY (Vertex Camera One Y) float
vertexCameraOneZ (Vertex Camera One Z) float
vertexCameraTwo (Vertex Camera Two) float3
vertexCameraTwoX (Vertex Camera Two X) float
vertexCameraTwoY (Vertex Camera Two Y) float
vertexCameraTwoZ (Vertex Camera Two Z) float
vertexCameraThree (Vertex Camera Three) float3
vertexCameraThreeX (Vertex Camera Three X) float
vertexCameraThreeY (Vertex Camera Three Y) float
vertexCameraThreeZ (Vertex Camera Three Z) float
vertexUvOne (Vertex Uv One) float2
vertexUvOneU (Vertex Uv One U) float
vertexUvOneV (Vertex Uv One V) float
vertexUvTwo (Vertex Uv Two) float2
vertexUvTwoU (Vertex Uv Two U) float
vertexUvTwoV (Vertex Uv Two V) float
vertexUvThree (Vertex Uv Three) float2
vertexUvThreeU (Vertex Uv Three U) float
vertexUvThreeV (Vertex Uv Three V) float
objectType (Object Type) char
rayDepth (Ray Depth) long
primitiveId (Primitive Id) long
pixelCenter (Pixel Center) float2
pixelCenterX (Pixel Center X) float
pixelCenterY (Pixel Center Y) float
exposure (Exposure) float
hdrMapping (Hdr Mapping) enum
hdrExposure (Hdr Exposure) float
dirtyPixelRegion (Dirty Pixel Region) bool
ptexFilterType (Ptex Filter Type) enum
ptexFilterWidth (Ptex Filter Width) float
ptexFilterBlur (Ptex Filter Blur) float
ptexFilterSharpness (Ptex Filter Sharpness) float
ptexFilterInterpolateLevels (Ptex Filter Interpolate Levels) bool
colorProfile (Color Profile) long
colorSpace (Color Space) string
ignoreColorSpaceFileRules (Ignore Color Space File Rules) bool
workingSpace (Working Space) string
colorManagementEnabled (Color Management Enabled) bool
colorManagementConfigFileEnabled (Color Management Config File Enabled) bool
colorManagementConfigFilePath (Color Management Config File Path) string
outSize (Out Size) float2
outSizeX (Out Size X) float
outSizeY (Out Size Y) float
fileHasAlpha (File Has Alpha) bool
outTransparency (Out Transparency) float3
outTransparencyR (Out Transparency R) float
outTransparencyG (Out Transparency G) float
outTransparencyB (Out Transparency B) float
infoBits (Info Bits) long
aiUserOptions (Ai User Options) string
aiMipBias (Ai Mip Bias) long
aiFilter (Ai Filter) enum
aiUseDefaultColor (Ai Use Default Color) bool
aiAutoTx (Ai Auto Tx) bool


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
uvCoord (Uv Coord) float2
uCoord (U Coord) float
vCoord (V Coord) float
uvFilterSize (Uv Filter Size) float2
uvFilterSizeX (Uv Filter Size X) float
uvFilterSizeY (Uv Filter Size Y) float
filter (Filter) float
filterOffset (Filter Offset) float
invert (Invert) bool
alphaIsLuminance (Alpha Is Luminance) bool
colorGain (Color Gain) float3
colorGainR (Color Gain R) float
colorGainG (Color Gain G) float
colorGainB (Color Gain B) float
colorOffset (Color Offset) float3
colorOffsetR (Color Offset R) float
colorOffsetG (Color Offset G) float
colorOffsetB (Color Offset B) float
alphaGain (Alpha Gain) float
alphaOffset (Alpha Offset) float
defaultColor (Default Color) float3
defaultColorR (Default Color R) float
defaultColorG (Default Color G) float
defaultColorB (Default Color B) float
outColor (Out Color) float3
outColorR (Out Color R) float
outColorG (Out Color G) float
outColorB (Out Color B) float
outAlpha (Out Alpha) float
amplitude (Amplitude) float
ratio (Ratio) float
threshold (Threshold) float
depthMax (Depth Max) short
frequency (Frequency) float
frequencyRatio (Frequency Ratio) float
inflection (Inflection) bool
time (Time) float
noiseType (Noise Type) enum
density (Density) float
spottyness (Spottyness) float
sizeRand (Size Rand) float
randomness (Randomness) float
falloff (Falloff) enum
numWaves (Num Waves) short
implode (Implode) float
implodeCenter (Implode Center) float2
implodeCenterU (Implode Center U) float
implodeCenterV (Implode Center V) float
aiUserOptions (Ai User Options) string
aiThreshold (Ai Threshold) float
aiAmplitude (Ai Amplitude) float
aiRatio (Ai Ratio) float
aiFrequencyRatio (Ai Frequency Ratio) float
aiDepthMax (Ai Depth Max) long
aiInflection (Ai Inflection) bool
aiTime (Ai Time) float
aiFrequency (Ai Frequency) float
aiImplode (Ai Implode) float
aiImplodeCenter (Ai Implode Center) float2
aiImplodeCenterX (Ai Implode Center X) float
aiImplodeCenterY (Ai Implode Center Y) float
aiNoiseType (Ai Noise Type) enum
aiDensity (Ai Density) float
aiSpottyness (Ai Spottyness) float
aiSizeRand (Ai Size Rand) float
aiRandomness (Ai Randomness) float
aiFalloff (Ai Falloff) enum
aiNumWaves (Ai Num Waves) long
aiUvCoord (Ai Uv Coord) float2
aiUvCoordX (Ai Uv Coord X) float
aiUvCoordY (Ai Uv Coord Y) float
aiDefaultColor (Ai Default Color) float3
aiDefaultColorR (Ai Default Color R) float
aiDefaultColorG (Ai Default Color G) float
aiDefaultColorB (Ai Default Color B) float
aiColorGain (Ai Color Gain) float3
aiColorGainR (Ai Color Gain R) float
aiColorGainG (Ai Color Gain G) float
aiColorGainB (Ai Color Gain B) float
aiColorOffset (Ai Color Offset) float3
aiColorOffsetR (Ai Color Offset R) float
aiColorOffsetG (Ai Color Offset G) float
aiColorOffsetB (Ai Color Offset B) float
aiAlphaGain (Ai Alpha Gain) float
aiAlphaOffset (Ai Alpha Offset) float
aiAlphaIsLuminance (Ai Alpha Is Luminance) bool
aiInvert (Ai Invert) bool
aiExposure (Ai Exposure) float

Maya Light


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
hyperLayout (Hyper Layout) message
isCollapsed (Is Collapsed) bool
blackBox (Black Box) bool
borderConnections (Border Connections) message
isHierarchicalConnection (Is Hierarchical Connection) TdataCompound
publishedNodeInfo (Published Node Info) TdataCompound
rmbCommand (Rmb Command) string
templateName (Template Name) string
templatePath (Template Path) string
viewName (View Name) string
iconName (Icon Name) string
viewMode (View Mode) enum
templateVersion (Template Version) long
uiTreatment (Ui Treatment) enum
customTreatment (Custom Treatment) string
creator (Creator) string
creationDate (Creation Date) string
containerType (Container Type) string
boundingBox (Bounding Box) TdataCompound
boundingBoxMin (Bounding Box Min) double3
boundingBoxMinX (Bounding Box Min X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinY (Bounding Box Min Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinZ (Bounding Box Min Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMax (Bounding Box Max) double3
boundingBoxMaxX (Bounding Box Max X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxY (Bounding Box Max Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxZ (Bounding Box Max Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSize (Bounding Box Size) double3
boundingBoxSizeX (Bounding Box Size X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeY (Bounding Box Size Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeZ (Bounding Box Size Z) doubleLinear
center (Center) double3
boundingBoxCenterX (Bounding Box Center X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterY (Bounding Box Center Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterZ (Bounding Box Center Z) doubleLinear
matrix (Matrix) matrix
inverseMatrix (Inverse Matrix) matrix
worldMatrix (World Matrix[0]) matrix
worldInverseMatrix (World Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
parentMatrix (Parent Matrix[0]) matrix
parentInverseMatrix (Parent Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
visibility (Visibility) bool
intermediateObject (Intermediate Object) bool
template (Template) bool
ghosting (Ghosting) bool
instObjGroups (Inst Obj Groups[0]) TdataCompound
instObjGroups.objectGroups (Object Groups) TdataCompound
objectColorRGB (Object Color RGB) float3
objectColorR (Object Color R) float
objectColorG (Object Color G) float
objectColorB (Object Color B) float
wireColorRGB (Wire Color RGB) float3
wireColorR (Wire Color R) float
wireColorG (Wire Color G) float
wireColorB (Wire Color B) float
useObjectColor (Use Object Color) enum
objectColor (Object Color) short
drawOverride (Draw Override) TdataCompound
overrideDisplayType (Override Display Type) enum
overrideLevelOfDetail (Override Level Of Detail) enum
overrideShading (Override Shading) bool
overrideTexturing (Override Texturing) bool
overridePlayback (Override Playback) bool
overrideEnabled (Override Enabled) bool
overrideVisibility (Override Visibility) bool
hideOnPlayback (Hide On Playback) bool
overrideRGBColors (Override RGBColors) bool
overrideColor (Override Color) byte
overrideColorRGB (Override Color RGB) float3
overrideColorR (Override Color R) float
overrideColorG (Override Color G) float
overrideColorB (Override Color B) float
lodVisibility (Lod Visibility) bool
selectionChildHighlighting (Selection Child Highlighting) bool
renderInfo (Render Info) TdataCompound
identification (Identification) short
layerRenderable (Layer Renderable) bool
layerOverrideColor (Layer Override Color) byte
renderLayerInfo (Render Layer Info) TdataCompound
ghostingControl (Ghosting Control) enum
ghostCustomSteps (Ghost Custom Steps) TdataCompound
ghostPreSteps (Ghost Pre Steps) long
ghostPostSteps (Ghost Post Steps) long
ghostStepSize (Ghost Step Size) long
ghostFrames (Ghost Frames)
ghostColorPreA (Ghost Color Pre A) float
ghostColorPre (Ghost Color Pre) float3
ghostColorPreR (Ghost Color Pre R) float
ghostColorPreG (Ghost Color Pre G) float
ghostColorPreB (Ghost Color Pre B) float
ghostColorPostA (Ghost Color Post A) float
ghostColorPost (Ghost Color Post) float3
ghostColorPostR (Ghost Color Post R) float
ghostColorPostG (Ghost Color Post G) float
ghostColorPostB (Ghost Color Post B) float
ghostRangeStart (Ghost Range Start) time
ghostRangeEnd (Ghost Range End) time
ghostDriver (Ghost Driver) message
hiddenInOutliner (Hidden In Outliner) bool
useOutlinerColor (Use Outliner Color) bool
outlinerColor (Outliner Color) float3
outlinerColorR (Outliner Color R) float
outlinerColorG (Outliner Color G) float
outlinerColorB (Outliner Color B) float
translate (Translate) double3
translateX (Translate X) doubleLinear
translateY (Translate Y) doubleLinear
translateZ (Translate Z) doubleLinear
rotate (Rotate) double3
rotateX (Rotate X) doubleAngle
rotateY (Rotate Y) doubleAngle
rotateZ (Rotate Z) doubleAngle
rotateOrder (Rotate Order) enum
scale (Scale) double3
scaleX (Scale X) double
scaleY (Scale Y) double
scaleZ (Scale Z) double
shear (Shear) double3
shearXY (Shear XY) double
shearXZ (Shear XZ) double
shearYZ (Shear YZ) double
rotatePivot (Rotate Pivot) double3
rotatePivotX (Rotate Pivot X) doubleLinear
rotatePivotY (Rotate Pivot Y) doubleLinear
rotatePivotZ (Rotate Pivot Z) doubleLinear
rotatePivotTranslate (Rotate Pivot Translate) double3
rotatePivotTranslateX (Rotate Pivot Translate X) doubleLinear
rotatePivotTranslateY (Rotate Pivot Translate Y) doubleLinear
rotatePivotTranslateZ (Rotate Pivot Translate Z) doubleLinear
scalePivot (Scale Pivot) double3
scalePivotX (Scale Pivot X) doubleLinear
scalePivotY (Scale Pivot Y) doubleLinear
scalePivotZ (Scale Pivot Z) doubleLinear
scalePivotTranslate (Scale Pivot Translate) double3
scalePivotTranslateX (Scale Pivot Translate X) doubleLinear
scalePivotTranslateY (Scale Pivot Translate Y) doubleLinear
scalePivotTranslateZ (Scale Pivot Translate Z) doubleLinear
rotateAxis (Rotate Axis) double3
rotateAxisX (Rotate Axis X) doubleAngle
rotateAxisY (Rotate Axis Y) doubleAngle
rotateAxisZ (Rotate Axis Z) doubleAngle
transMinusRotatePivot (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot) double3
transMinusRotatePivotX (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot X) doubleLinear
transMinusRotatePivotY (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot Y) doubleLinear
transMinusRotatePivotZ (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot Z) doubleLinear
minTransLimit (Min Trans Limit) double3
minTransXLimit (Min Trans XLimit) doubleLinear
minTransYLimit (Min Trans YLimit) doubleLinear
minTransZLimit (Min Trans ZLimit) doubleLinear
maxTransLimit (Max Trans Limit) double3
maxTransXLimit (Max Trans XLimit) doubleLinear
maxTransYLimit (Max Trans YLimit) doubleLinear
maxTransZLimit (Max Trans ZLimit) doubleLinear
minTransLimitEnable (Min Trans Limit Enable) TdataCompound
minTransXLimitEnable (Min Trans XLimit Enable) bool
minTransYLimitEnable (Min Trans YLimit Enable) bool
minTransZLimitEnable (Min Trans ZLimit Enable) bool
maxTransLimitEnable (Max Trans Limit Enable) TdataCompound
maxTransXLimitEnable (Max Trans XLimit Enable) bool
maxTransYLimitEnable (Max Trans YLimit Enable) bool
maxTransZLimitEnable (Max Trans ZLimit Enable) bool
minRotLimit (Min Rot Limit) double3
minRotXLimit (Min Rot XLimit) doubleAngle
minRotYLimit (Min Rot YLimit) doubleAngle
minRotZLimit (Min Rot ZLimit) doubleAngle
maxRotLimit (Max Rot Limit) double3
maxRotXLimit (Max Rot XLimit) doubleAngle
maxRotYLimit (Max Rot YLimit) doubleAngle
maxRotZLimit (Max Rot ZLimit) doubleAngle
minRotLimitEnable (Min Rot Limit Enable) TdataCompound
minRotXLimitEnable (Min Rot XLimit Enable) bool
minRotYLimitEnable (Min Rot YLimit Enable) bool
minRotZLimitEnable (Min Rot ZLimit Enable) bool
maxRotLimitEnable (Max Rot Limit Enable) TdataCompound
maxRotXLimitEnable (Max Rot XLimit Enable) bool
maxRotYLimitEnable (Max Rot YLimit Enable) bool
maxRotZLimitEnable (Max Rot ZLimit Enable) bool
minScaleLimit (Min Scale Limit) double3
minScaleXLimit (Min Scale XLimit) double
minScaleYLimit (Min Scale YLimit) double
minScaleZLimit (Min Scale ZLimit) double
maxScaleLimit (Max Scale Limit) double3
maxScaleXLimit (Max Scale XLimit) double
maxScaleYLimit (Max Scale YLimit) double
maxScaleZLimit (Max Scale ZLimit) double
minScaleLimitEnable (Min Scale Limit Enable) TdataCompound
minScaleXLimitEnable (Min Scale XLimit Enable) bool
minScaleYLimitEnable (Min Scale YLimit Enable) bool
minScaleZLimitEnable (Min Scale ZLimit Enable) bool
maxScaleLimitEnable (Max Scale Limit Enable) TdataCompound
maxScaleXLimitEnable (Max Scale XLimit Enable) bool
maxScaleYLimitEnable (Max Scale YLimit Enable) bool
maxScaleZLimitEnable (Max Scale ZLimit Enable) bool
geometry (Geometry)
xformMatrix (Xform Matrix) matrix
selectHandle (Select Handle) double3
selectHandleX (Select Handle X) doubleLinear
selectHandleY (Select Handle Y) doubleLinear
selectHandleZ (Select Handle Z) doubleLinear
inheritsTransform (Inherits Transform) bool
displayHandle (Display Handle) bool
displayScalePivot (Display Scale Pivot) bool
displayRotatePivot (Display Rotate Pivot) bool
displayLocalAxis (Display Local Axis) bool
dynamics (Dynamics) bool
showManipDefault (Show Manip Default) enum
specifiedManipLocation (Specified Manip Location)
rotateQuaternion (Rotate Quaternion) double4
rotateQuaternionX (Rotate Quaternion X) double
rotateQuaternionY (Rotate Quaternion Y) double
rotateQuaternionZ (Rotate Quaternion Z) double
rotateQuaternionW (Rotate Quaternion W) double
rotationInterpolation (Rotation Interpolation) enum


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
hyperLayout (Hyper Layout) message
isCollapsed (Is Collapsed) bool
blackBox (Black Box) bool
borderConnections (Border Connections) message
isHierarchicalConnection (Is Hierarchical Connection) TdataCompound
publishedNodeInfo (Published Node Info) TdataCompound
rmbCommand (Rmb Command) string
templateName (Template Name) string
templatePath (Template Path) string
viewName (View Name) string
iconName (Icon Name) string
viewMode (View Mode) enum
templateVersion (Template Version) long
uiTreatment (Ui Treatment) enum
customTreatment (Custom Treatment) string
creator (Creator) string
creationDate (Creation Date) string
containerType (Container Type) string
boundingBox (Bounding Box) TdataCompound
boundingBoxMin (Bounding Box Min) double3
boundingBoxMinX (Bounding Box Min X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinY (Bounding Box Min Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinZ (Bounding Box Min Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMax (Bounding Box Max) double3
boundingBoxMaxX (Bounding Box Max X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxY (Bounding Box Max Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxZ (Bounding Box Max Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSize (Bounding Box Size) double3
boundingBoxSizeX (Bounding Box Size X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeY (Bounding Box Size Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeZ (Bounding Box Size Z) doubleLinear
center (Center) double3
boundingBoxCenterX (Bounding Box Center X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterY (Bounding Box Center Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterZ (Bounding Box Center Z) doubleLinear
matrix (Matrix) matrix
inverseMatrix (Inverse Matrix) matrix
worldMatrix (World Matrix[0]) matrix
worldInverseMatrix (World Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
parentMatrix (Parent Matrix[0]) matrix
parentInverseMatrix (Parent Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
visibility (Visibility) bool
intermediateObject (Intermediate Object) bool
template (Template) bool
ghosting (Ghosting) bool
instObjGroups (Inst Obj Groups[0]) TdataCompound
instObjGroups.objectGroups (Object Groups) TdataCompound
objectColorRGB (Object Color RGB) float3
objectColorR (Object Color R) float
objectColorG (Object Color G) float
objectColorB (Object Color B) float
wireColorRGB (Wire Color RGB) float3
wireColorR (Wire Color R) float
wireColorG (Wire Color G) float
wireColorB (Wire Color B) float
useObjectColor (Use Object Color) enum
objectColor (Object Color) short
drawOverride (Draw Override) TdataCompound
overrideDisplayType (Override Display Type) enum
overrideLevelOfDetail (Override Level Of Detail) enum
overrideShading (Override Shading) bool
overrideTexturing (Override Texturing) bool
overridePlayback (Override Playback) bool
overrideEnabled (Override Enabled) bool
overrideVisibility (Override Visibility) bool
hideOnPlayback (Hide On Playback) bool
overrideRGBColors (Override RGBColors) bool
overrideColor (Override Color) byte
overrideColorRGB (Override Color RGB) float3
overrideColorR (Override Color R) float
overrideColorG (Override Color G) float
overrideColorB (Override Color B) float
lodVisibility (Lod Visibility) bool
selectionChildHighlighting (Selection Child Highlighting) bool
renderInfo (Render Info) TdataCompound
identification (Identification) short
layerRenderable (Layer Renderable) bool
layerOverrideColor (Layer Override Color) byte
renderLayerInfo (Render Layer Info) TdataCompound
ghostingControl (Ghosting Control) enum
ghostCustomSteps (Ghost Custom Steps) TdataCompound
ghostPreSteps (Ghost Pre Steps) long
ghostPostSteps (Ghost Post Steps) long
ghostStepSize (Ghost Step Size) long
ghostFrames (Ghost Frames)
ghostColorPreA (Ghost Color Pre A) float
ghostColorPre (Ghost Color Pre) float3
ghostColorPreR (Ghost Color Pre R) float
ghostColorPreG (Ghost Color Pre G) float
ghostColorPreB (Ghost Color Pre B) float
ghostColorPostA (Ghost Color Post A) float
ghostColorPost (Ghost Color Post) float3
ghostColorPostR (Ghost Color Post R) float
ghostColorPostG (Ghost Color Post G) float
ghostColorPostB (Ghost Color Post B) float
ghostRangeStart (Ghost Range Start) time
ghostRangeEnd (Ghost Range End) time
ghostDriver (Ghost Driver) message
hiddenInOutliner (Hidden In Outliner) bool
useOutlinerColor (Use Outliner Color) bool
outlinerColor (Outliner Color) float3
outlinerColorR (Outliner Color R) float
outlinerColorG (Outliner Color G) float
outlinerColorB (Outliner Color B) float
translate (Translate) double3
translateX (Translate X) doubleLinear
translateY (Translate Y) doubleLinear
translateZ (Translate Z) doubleLinear
rotate (Rotate) double3
rotateX (Rotate X) doubleAngle
rotateY (Rotate Y) doubleAngle
rotateZ (Rotate Z) doubleAngle
rotateOrder (Rotate Order) enum
scale (Scale) double3
scaleX (Scale X) double
scaleY (Scale Y) double
scaleZ (Scale Z) double
shear (Shear) double3
shearXY (Shear XY) double
shearXZ (Shear XZ) double
shearYZ (Shear YZ) double
rotatePivot (Rotate Pivot) double3
rotatePivotX (Rotate Pivot X) doubleLinear
rotatePivotY (Rotate Pivot Y) doubleLinear
rotatePivotZ (Rotate Pivot Z) doubleLinear
rotatePivotTranslate (Rotate Pivot Translate) double3
rotatePivotTranslateX (Rotate Pivot Translate X) doubleLinear
rotatePivotTranslateY (Rotate Pivot Translate Y) doubleLinear
rotatePivotTranslateZ (Rotate Pivot Translate Z) doubleLinear
scalePivot (Scale Pivot) double3
scalePivotX (Scale Pivot X) doubleLinear
scalePivotY (Scale Pivot Y) doubleLinear
scalePivotZ (Scale Pivot Z) doubleLinear
scalePivotTranslate (Scale Pivot Translate) double3
scalePivotTranslateX (Scale Pivot Translate X) doubleLinear
scalePivotTranslateY (Scale Pivot Translate Y) doubleLinear
scalePivotTranslateZ (Scale Pivot Translate Z) doubleLinear
rotateAxis (Rotate Axis) double3
rotateAxisX (Rotate Axis X) doubleAngle
rotateAxisY (Rotate Axis Y) doubleAngle
rotateAxisZ (Rotate Axis Z) doubleAngle
transMinusRotatePivot (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot) double3
transMinusRotatePivotX (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot X) doubleLinear
transMinusRotatePivotY (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot Y) doubleLinear
transMinusRotatePivotZ (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot Z) doubleLinear
minTransLimit (Min Trans Limit) double3
minTransXLimit (Min Trans XLimit) doubleLinear
minTransYLimit (Min Trans YLimit) doubleLinear
minTransZLimit (Min Trans ZLimit) doubleLinear
maxTransLimit (Max Trans Limit) double3
maxTransXLimit (Max Trans XLimit) doubleLinear
maxTransYLimit (Max Trans YLimit) doubleLinear
maxTransZLimit (Max Trans ZLimit) doubleLinear
minTransLimitEnable (Min Trans Limit Enable) TdataCompound
minTransXLimitEnable (Min Trans XLimit Enable) bool
minTransYLimitEnable (Min Trans YLimit Enable) bool
minTransZLimitEnable (Min Trans ZLimit Enable) bool
maxTransLimitEnable (Max Trans Limit Enable) TdataCompound
maxTransXLimitEnable (Max Trans XLimit Enable) bool
maxTransYLimitEnable (Max Trans YLimit Enable) bool
maxTransZLimitEnable (Max Trans ZLimit Enable) bool
minRotLimit (Min Rot Limit) double3
minRotXLimit (Min Rot XLimit) doubleAngle
minRotYLimit (Min Rot YLimit) doubleAngle
minRotZLimit (Min Rot ZLimit) doubleAngle
maxRotLimit (Max Rot Limit) double3
maxRotXLimit (Max Rot XLimit) doubleAngle
maxRotYLimit (Max Rot YLimit) doubleAngle
maxRotZLimit (Max Rot ZLimit) doubleAngle
minRotLimitEnable (Min Rot Limit Enable) TdataCompound
minRotXLimitEnable (Min Rot XLimit Enable) bool
minRotYLimitEnable (Min Rot YLimit Enable) bool
minRotZLimitEnable (Min Rot ZLimit Enable) bool
maxRotLimitEnable (Max Rot Limit Enable) TdataCompound
maxRotXLimitEnable (Max Rot XLimit Enable) bool
maxRotYLimitEnable (Max Rot YLimit Enable) bool
maxRotZLimitEnable (Max Rot ZLimit Enable) bool
minScaleLimit (Min Scale Limit) double3
minScaleXLimit (Min Scale XLimit) double
minScaleYLimit (Min Scale YLimit) double
minScaleZLimit (Min Scale ZLimit) double
maxScaleLimit (Max Scale Limit) double3
maxScaleXLimit (Max Scale XLimit) double
maxScaleYLimit (Max Scale YLimit) double
maxScaleZLimit (Max Scale ZLimit) double
minScaleLimitEnable (Min Scale Limit Enable) TdataCompound
minScaleXLimitEnable (Min Scale XLimit Enable) bool
minScaleYLimitEnable (Min Scale YLimit Enable) bool
minScaleZLimitEnable (Min Scale ZLimit Enable) bool
maxScaleLimitEnable (Max Scale Limit Enable) TdataCompound
maxScaleXLimitEnable (Max Scale XLimit Enable) bool
maxScaleYLimitEnable (Max Scale YLimit Enable) bool
maxScaleZLimitEnable (Max Scale ZLimit Enable) bool
geometry (Geometry)
xformMatrix (Xform Matrix) matrix
selectHandle (Select Handle) double3
selectHandleX (Select Handle X) doubleLinear
selectHandleY (Select Handle Y) doubleLinear
selectHandleZ (Select Handle Z) doubleLinear
inheritsTransform (Inherits Transform) bool
displayHandle (Display Handle) bool
displayScalePivot (Display Scale Pivot) bool
displayRotatePivot (Display Rotate Pivot) bool
displayLocalAxis (Display Local Axis) bool
dynamics (Dynamics) bool
showManipDefault (Show Manip Default) enum
specifiedManipLocation (Specified Manip Location)
rotateQuaternion (Rotate Quaternion) double4
rotateQuaternionX (Rotate Quaternion X) double
rotateQuaternionY (Rotate Quaternion Y) double
rotateQuaternionZ (Rotate Quaternion Z) double
rotateQuaternionW (Rotate Quaternion W) double
rotationInterpolation (Rotation Interpolation) enum


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
hyperLayout (Hyper Layout) message
isCollapsed (Is Collapsed) bool
blackBox (Black Box) bool
borderConnections (Border Connections) message
isHierarchicalConnection (Is Hierarchical Connection) TdataCompound
publishedNodeInfo (Published Node Info) TdataCompound
rmbCommand (Rmb Command) string
templateName (Template Name) string
templatePath (Template Path) string
viewName (View Name) string
iconName (Icon Name) string
viewMode (View Mode) enum
templateVersion (Template Version) long
uiTreatment (Ui Treatment) enum
customTreatment (Custom Treatment) string
creator (Creator) string
creationDate (Creation Date) string
containerType (Container Type) string
boundingBox (Bounding Box) TdataCompound
boundingBoxMin (Bounding Box Min) double3
boundingBoxMinX (Bounding Box Min X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinY (Bounding Box Min Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinZ (Bounding Box Min Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMax (Bounding Box Max) double3
boundingBoxMaxX (Bounding Box Max X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxY (Bounding Box Max Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxZ (Bounding Box Max Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSize (Bounding Box Size) double3
boundingBoxSizeX (Bounding Box Size X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeY (Bounding Box Size Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeZ (Bounding Box Size Z) doubleLinear
center (Center) double3
boundingBoxCenterX (Bounding Box Center X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterY (Bounding Box Center Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterZ (Bounding Box Center Z) doubleLinear
matrix (Matrix) matrix
inverseMatrix (Inverse Matrix) matrix
worldMatrix (World Matrix[0]) matrix
worldInverseMatrix (World Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
parentMatrix (Parent Matrix[0]) matrix
parentInverseMatrix (Parent Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
visibility (Visibility) bool
intermediateObject (Intermediate Object) bool
template (Template) bool
ghosting (Ghosting) bool
instObjGroups (Inst Obj Groups[0]) TdataCompound
instObjGroups.objectGroups (Object Groups) TdataCompound
objectColorRGB (Object Color RGB) float3
objectColorR (Object Color R) float
objectColorG (Object Color G) float
objectColorB (Object Color B) float
wireColorRGB (Wire Color RGB) float3
wireColorR (Wire Color R) float
wireColorG (Wire Color G) float
wireColorB (Wire Color B) float
useObjectColor (Use Object Color) enum
objectColor (Object Color) short
drawOverride (Draw Override) TdataCompound
overrideDisplayType (Override Display Type) enum
overrideLevelOfDetail (Override Level Of Detail) enum
overrideShading (Override Shading) bool
overrideTexturing (Override Texturing) bool
overridePlayback (Override Playback) bool
overrideEnabled (Override Enabled) bool
overrideVisibility (Override Visibility) bool
hideOnPlayback (Hide On Playback) bool
overrideRGBColors (Override RGBColors) bool
overrideColor (Override Color) byte
overrideColorRGB (Override Color RGB) float3
overrideColorR (Override Color R) float
overrideColorG (Override Color G) float
overrideColorB (Override Color B) float
lodVisibility (Lod Visibility) bool
selectionChildHighlighting (Selection Child Highlighting) bool
renderInfo (Render Info) TdataCompound
identification (Identification) short
layerRenderable (Layer Renderable) bool
layerOverrideColor (Layer Override Color) byte
renderLayerInfo (Render Layer Info) TdataCompound
ghostingControl (Ghosting Control) enum
ghostCustomSteps (Ghost Custom Steps) TdataCompound
ghostPreSteps (Ghost Pre Steps) long
ghostPostSteps (Ghost Post Steps) long
ghostStepSize (Ghost Step Size) long
ghostFrames (Ghost Frames)
ghostColorPreA (Ghost Color Pre A) float
ghostColorPre (Ghost Color Pre) float3
ghostColorPreR (Ghost Color Pre R) float
ghostColorPreG (Ghost Color Pre G) float
ghostColorPreB (Ghost Color Pre B) float
ghostColorPostA (Ghost Color Post A) float
ghostColorPost (Ghost Color Post) float3
ghostColorPostR (Ghost Color Post R) float
ghostColorPostG (Ghost Color Post G) float
ghostColorPostB (Ghost Color Post B) float
ghostRangeStart (Ghost Range Start) time
ghostRangeEnd (Ghost Range End) time
ghostDriver (Ghost Driver) message
hiddenInOutliner (Hidden In Outliner) bool
useOutlinerColor (Use Outliner Color) bool
outlinerColor (Outliner Color) float3
outlinerColorR (Outliner Color R) float
outlinerColorG (Outliner Color G) float
outlinerColorB (Outliner Color B) float
translate (Translate) double3
translateX (Translate X) doubleLinear
translateY (Translate Y) doubleLinear
translateZ (Translate Z) doubleLinear
rotate (Rotate) double3
rotateX (Rotate X) doubleAngle
rotateY (Rotate Y) doubleAngle
rotateZ (Rotate Z) doubleAngle
rotateOrder (Rotate Order) enum
scale (Scale) double3
scaleX (Scale X) double
scaleY (Scale Y) double
scaleZ (Scale Z) double
shear (Shear) double3
shearXY (Shear XY) double
shearXZ (Shear XZ) double
shearYZ (Shear YZ) double
rotatePivot (Rotate Pivot) double3
rotatePivotX (Rotate Pivot X) doubleLinear
rotatePivotY (Rotate Pivot Y) doubleLinear
rotatePivotZ (Rotate Pivot Z) doubleLinear
rotatePivotTranslate (Rotate Pivot Translate) double3
rotatePivotTranslateX (Rotate Pivot Translate X) doubleLinear
rotatePivotTranslateY (Rotate Pivot Translate Y) doubleLinear
rotatePivotTranslateZ (Rotate Pivot Translate Z) doubleLinear
scalePivot (Scale Pivot) double3
scalePivotX (Scale Pivot X) doubleLinear
scalePivotY (Scale Pivot Y) doubleLinear
scalePivotZ (Scale Pivot Z) doubleLinear
scalePivotTranslate (Scale Pivot Translate) double3
scalePivotTranslateX (Scale Pivot Translate X) doubleLinear
scalePivotTranslateY (Scale Pivot Translate Y) doubleLinear
scalePivotTranslateZ (Scale Pivot Translate Z) doubleLinear
rotateAxis (Rotate Axis) double3
rotateAxisX (Rotate Axis X) doubleAngle
rotateAxisY (Rotate Axis Y) doubleAngle
rotateAxisZ (Rotate Axis Z) doubleAngle
transMinusRotatePivot (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot) double3
transMinusRotatePivotX (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot X) doubleLinear
transMinusRotatePivotY (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot Y) doubleLinear
transMinusRotatePivotZ (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot Z) doubleLinear
minTransLimit (Min Trans Limit) double3
minTransXLimit (Min Trans XLimit) doubleLinear
minTransYLimit (Min Trans YLimit) doubleLinear
minTransZLimit (Min Trans ZLimit) doubleLinear
maxTransLimit (Max Trans Limit) double3
maxTransXLimit (Max Trans XLimit) doubleLinear
maxTransYLimit (Max Trans YLimit) doubleLinear
maxTransZLimit (Max Trans ZLimit) doubleLinear
minTransLimitEnable (Min Trans Limit Enable) TdataCompound
minTransXLimitEnable (Min Trans XLimit Enable) bool
minTransYLimitEnable (Min Trans YLimit Enable) bool
minTransZLimitEnable (Min Trans ZLimit Enable) bool
maxTransLimitEnable (Max Trans Limit Enable) TdataCompound
maxTransXLimitEnable (Max Trans XLimit Enable) bool
maxTransYLimitEnable (Max Trans YLimit Enable) bool
maxTransZLimitEnable (Max Trans ZLimit Enable) bool
minRotLimit (Min Rot Limit) double3
minRotXLimit (Min Rot XLimit) doubleAngle
minRotYLimit (Min Rot YLimit) doubleAngle
minRotZLimit (Min Rot ZLimit) doubleAngle
maxRotLimit (Max Rot Limit) double3
maxRotXLimit (Max Rot XLimit) doubleAngle
maxRotYLimit (Max Rot YLimit) doubleAngle
maxRotZLimit (Max Rot ZLimit) doubleAngle
minRotLimitEnable (Min Rot Limit Enable) TdataCompound
minRotXLimitEnable (Min Rot XLimit Enable) bool
minRotYLimitEnable (Min Rot YLimit Enable) bool
minRotZLimitEnable (Min Rot ZLimit Enable) bool
maxRotLimitEnable (Max Rot Limit Enable) TdataCompound
maxRotXLimitEnable (Max Rot XLimit Enable) bool
maxRotYLimitEnable (Max Rot YLimit Enable) bool
maxRotZLimitEnable (Max Rot ZLimit Enable) bool
minScaleLimit (Min Scale Limit) double3
minScaleXLimit (Min Scale XLimit) double
minScaleYLimit (Min Scale YLimit) double
minScaleZLimit (Min Scale ZLimit) double
maxScaleLimit (Max Scale Limit) double3
maxScaleXLimit (Max Scale XLimit) double
maxScaleYLimit (Max Scale YLimit) double
maxScaleZLimit (Max Scale ZLimit) double
minScaleLimitEnable (Min Scale Limit Enable) TdataCompound
minScaleXLimitEnable (Min Scale XLimit Enable) bool
minScaleYLimitEnable (Min Scale YLimit Enable) bool
minScaleZLimitEnable (Min Scale ZLimit Enable) bool
maxScaleLimitEnable (Max Scale Limit Enable) TdataCompound
maxScaleXLimitEnable (Max Scale XLimit Enable) bool
maxScaleYLimitEnable (Max Scale YLimit Enable) bool
maxScaleZLimitEnable (Max Scale ZLimit Enable) bool
geometry (Geometry)
xformMatrix (Xform Matrix) matrix
selectHandle (Select Handle) double3
selectHandleX (Select Handle X) doubleLinear
selectHandleY (Select Handle Y) doubleLinear
selectHandleZ (Select Handle Z) doubleLinear
inheritsTransform (Inherits Transform) bool
displayHandle (Display Handle) bool
displayScalePivot (Display Scale Pivot) bool
displayRotatePivot (Display Rotate Pivot) bool
displayLocalAxis (Display Local Axis) bool
dynamics (Dynamics) bool
showManipDefault (Show Manip Default) enum
specifiedManipLocation (Specified Manip Location)
rotateQuaternion (Rotate Quaternion) double4
rotateQuaternionX (Rotate Quaternion X) double
rotateQuaternionY (Rotate Quaternion Y) double
rotateQuaternionZ (Rotate Quaternion Z) double
rotateQuaternionW (Rotate Quaternion W) double
rotationInterpolation (Rotation Interpolation) enum


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
hyperLayout (Hyper Layout) message
isCollapsed (Is Collapsed) bool
blackBox (Black Box) bool
borderConnections (Border Connections) message
isHierarchicalConnection (Is Hierarchical Connection) TdataCompound
publishedNodeInfo (Published Node Info) TdataCompound
rmbCommand (Rmb Command) string
templateName (Template Name) string
templatePath (Template Path) string
viewName (View Name) string
iconName (Icon Name) string
viewMode (View Mode) enum
templateVersion (Template Version) long
uiTreatment (Ui Treatment) enum
customTreatment (Custom Treatment) string
creator (Creator) string
creationDate (Creation Date) string
containerType (Container Type) string
boundingBox (Bounding Box) TdataCompound
boundingBoxMin (Bounding Box Min) double3
boundingBoxMinX (Bounding Box Min X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinY (Bounding Box Min Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinZ (Bounding Box Min Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMax (Bounding Box Max) double3
boundingBoxMaxX (Bounding Box Max X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxY (Bounding Box Max Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxZ (Bounding Box Max Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSize (Bounding Box Size) double3
boundingBoxSizeX (Bounding Box Size X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeY (Bounding Box Size Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeZ (Bounding Box Size Z) doubleLinear
center (Center) double3
boundingBoxCenterX (Bounding Box Center X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterY (Bounding Box Center Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterZ (Bounding Box Center Z) doubleLinear
matrix (Matrix) matrix
inverseMatrix (Inverse Matrix) matrix
worldMatrix (World Matrix[0]) matrix
worldInverseMatrix (World Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
parentMatrix (Parent Matrix[0]) matrix
parentInverseMatrix (Parent Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
visibility (Visibility) bool
intermediateObject (Intermediate Object) bool
template (Template) bool
ghosting (Ghosting) bool
instObjGroups (Inst Obj Groups[0]) TdataCompound
instObjGroups.objectGroups (Object Groups) TdataCompound
objectColorRGB (Object Color RGB) float3
objectColorR (Object Color R) float
objectColorG (Object Color G) float
objectColorB (Object Color B) float
wireColorRGB (Wire Color RGB) float3
wireColorR (Wire Color R) float
wireColorG (Wire Color G) float
wireColorB (Wire Color B) float
useObjectColor (Use Object Color) enum
objectColor (Object Color) short
drawOverride (Draw Override) TdataCompound
overrideDisplayType (Override Display Type) enum
overrideLevelOfDetail (Override Level Of Detail) enum
overrideShading (Override Shading) bool
overrideTexturing (Override Texturing) bool
overridePlayback (Override Playback) bool
overrideEnabled (Override Enabled) bool
overrideVisibility (Override Visibility) bool
hideOnPlayback (Hide On Playback) bool
overrideRGBColors (Override RGBColors) bool
overrideColor (Override Color) byte
overrideColorRGB (Override Color RGB) float3
overrideColorR (Override Color R) float
overrideColorG (Override Color G) float
overrideColorB (Override Color B) float
lodVisibility (Lod Visibility) bool
selectionChildHighlighting (Selection Child Highlighting) bool
renderInfo (Render Info) TdataCompound
identification (Identification) short
layerRenderable (Layer Renderable) bool
layerOverrideColor (Layer Override Color) byte
renderLayerInfo (Render Layer Info) TdataCompound
ghostingControl (Ghosting Control) enum
ghostCustomSteps (Ghost Custom Steps) TdataCompound
ghostPreSteps (Ghost Pre Steps) long
ghostPostSteps (Ghost Post Steps) long
ghostStepSize (Ghost Step Size) long
ghostFrames (Ghost Frames)
ghostColorPreA (Ghost Color Pre A) float
ghostColorPre (Ghost Color Pre) float3
ghostColorPreR (Ghost Color Pre R) float
ghostColorPreG (Ghost Color Pre G) float
ghostColorPreB (Ghost Color Pre B) float
ghostColorPostA (Ghost Color Post A) float
ghostColorPost (Ghost Color Post) float3
ghostColorPostR (Ghost Color Post R) float
ghostColorPostG (Ghost Color Post G) float
ghostColorPostB (Ghost Color Post B) float
ghostRangeStart (Ghost Range Start) time
ghostRangeEnd (Ghost Range End) time
ghostDriver (Ghost Driver) message
hiddenInOutliner (Hidden In Outliner) bool
useOutlinerColor (Use Outliner Color) bool
outlinerColor (Outliner Color) float3
outlinerColorR (Outliner Color R) float
outlinerColorG (Outliner Color G) float
outlinerColorB (Outliner Color B) float
translate (Translate) double3
translateX (Translate X) doubleLinear
translateY (Translate Y) doubleLinear
translateZ (Translate Z) doubleLinear
rotate (Rotate) double3
rotateX (Rotate X) doubleAngle
rotateY (Rotate Y) doubleAngle
rotateZ (Rotate Z) doubleAngle
rotateOrder (Rotate Order) enum
scale (Scale) double3
scaleX (Scale X) double
scaleY (Scale Y) double
scaleZ (Scale Z) double
shear (Shear) double3
shearXY (Shear XY) double
shearXZ (Shear XZ) double
shearYZ (Shear YZ) double
rotatePivot (Rotate Pivot) double3
rotatePivotX (Rotate Pivot X) doubleLinear
rotatePivotY (Rotate Pivot Y) doubleLinear
rotatePivotZ (Rotate Pivot Z) doubleLinear
rotatePivotTranslate (Rotate Pivot Translate) double3
rotatePivotTranslateX (Rotate Pivot Translate X) doubleLinear
rotatePivotTranslateY (Rotate Pivot Translate Y) doubleLinear
rotatePivotTranslateZ (Rotate Pivot Translate Z) doubleLinear
scalePivot (Scale Pivot) double3
scalePivotX (Scale Pivot X) doubleLinear
scalePivotY (Scale Pivot Y) doubleLinear
scalePivotZ (Scale Pivot Z) doubleLinear
scalePivotTranslate (Scale Pivot Translate) double3
scalePivotTranslateX (Scale Pivot Translate X) doubleLinear
scalePivotTranslateY (Scale Pivot Translate Y) doubleLinear
scalePivotTranslateZ (Scale Pivot Translate Z) doubleLinear
rotateAxis (Rotate Axis) double3
rotateAxisX (Rotate Axis X) doubleAngle
rotateAxisY (Rotate Axis Y) doubleAngle
rotateAxisZ (Rotate Axis Z) doubleAngle
transMinusRotatePivot (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot) double3
transMinusRotatePivotX (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot X) doubleLinear
transMinusRotatePivotY (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot Y) doubleLinear
transMinusRotatePivotZ (Trans Minus Rotate Pivot Z) doubleLinear
minTransLimit (Min Trans Limit) double3
minTransXLimit (Min Trans XLimit) doubleLinear
minTransYLimit (Min Trans YLimit) doubleLinear
minTransZLimit (Min Trans ZLimit) doubleLinear
maxTransLimit (Max Trans Limit) double3
maxTransXLimit (Max Trans XLimit) doubleLinear
maxTransYLimit (Max Trans YLimit) doubleLinear
maxTransZLimit (Max Trans ZLimit) doubleLinear
minTransLimitEnable (Min Trans Limit Enable) TdataCompound
minTransXLimitEnable (Min Trans XLimit Enable) bool
minTransYLimitEnable (Min Trans YLimit Enable) bool
minTransZLimitEnable (Min Trans ZLimit Enable) bool
maxTransLimitEnable (Max Trans Limit Enable) TdataCompound
maxTransXLimitEnable (Max Trans XLimit Enable) bool
maxTransYLimitEnable (Max Trans YLimit Enable) bool
maxTransZLimitEnable (Max Trans ZLimit Enable) bool
minRotLimit (Min Rot Limit) double3
minRotXLimit (Min Rot XLimit) doubleAngle
minRotYLimit (Min Rot YLimit) doubleAngle
minRotZLimit (Min Rot ZLimit) doubleAngle
maxRotLimit (Max Rot Limit) double3
maxRotXLimit (Max Rot XLimit) doubleAngle
maxRotYLimit (Max Rot YLimit) doubleAngle
maxRotZLimit (Max Rot ZLimit) doubleAngle
minRotLimitEnable (Min Rot Limit Enable) TdataCompound
minRotXLimitEnable (Min Rot XLimit Enable) bool
minRotYLimitEnable (Min Rot YLimit Enable) bool
minRotZLimitEnable (Min Rot ZLimit Enable) bool
maxRotLimitEnable (Max Rot Limit Enable) TdataCompound
maxRotXLimitEnable (Max Rot XLimit Enable) bool
maxRotYLimitEnable (Max Rot YLimit Enable) bool
maxRotZLimitEnable (Max Rot ZLimit Enable) bool
minScaleLimit (Min Scale Limit) double3
minScaleXLimit (Min Scale XLimit) double
minScaleYLimit (Min Scale YLimit) double
minScaleZLimit (Min Scale ZLimit) double
maxScaleLimit (Max Scale Limit) double3
maxScaleXLimit (Max Scale XLimit) double
maxScaleYLimit (Max Scale YLimit) double
maxScaleZLimit (Max Scale ZLimit) double
minScaleLimitEnable (Min Scale Limit Enable) TdataCompound
minScaleXLimitEnable (Min Scale XLimit Enable) bool
minScaleYLimitEnable (Min Scale YLimit Enable) bool
minScaleZLimitEnable (Min Scale ZLimit Enable) bool
maxScaleLimitEnable (Max Scale Limit Enable) TdataCompound
maxScaleXLimitEnable (Max Scale XLimit Enable) bool
maxScaleYLimitEnable (Max Scale YLimit Enable) bool
maxScaleZLimitEnable (Max Scale ZLimit Enable) bool
geometry (Geometry)
xformMatrix (Xform Matrix) matrix
selectHandle (Select Handle) double3
selectHandleX (Select Handle X) doubleLinear
selectHandleY (Select Handle Y) doubleLinear
selectHandleZ (Select Handle Z) doubleLinear
inheritsTransform (Inherits Transform) bool
displayHandle (Display Handle) bool
displayScalePivot (Display Scale Pivot) bool
displayRotatePivot (Display Rotate Pivot) bool
displayLocalAxis (Display Local Axis) bool
dynamics (Dynamics) bool
showManipDefault (Show Manip Default) enum
specifiedManipLocation (Specified Manip Location)
rotateQuaternion (Rotate Quaternion) double4
rotateQuaternionX (Rotate Quaternion X) double
rotateQuaternionY (Rotate Quaternion Y) double
rotateQuaternionZ (Rotate Quaternion Z) double
rotateQuaternionW (Rotate Quaternion W) double
rotationInterpolation (Rotation Interpolation) enum

Arnold Texture


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
outColor (Out Color) float3
outColorR (Out Color R) float
outColorG (Out Color G) float
outColorB (Out Color B) float
outAlpha (Out Alpha) float
outTransparency (Out Transparency) float3
outTransparencyR (Out Transparency R) float
outTransparencyG (Out Transparency G) float
outTransparencyB (Out Transparency B) float
filename (Filename) string
colorSpace (Color Space) string
filter (Filter) enum
mipmapBias (Mipmap Bias) long
singleChannel (Single Channel) bool
startChannel (Start Channel) byte
swrap (Swrap) enum
twrap (Twrap) enum
sscale (Sscale) float
tscale (Tscale) float
sflip (Sflip) bool
tflip (Tflip) bool
soffset (Soffset) float
toffset (Toffset) float
swapSt (Swap St) bool
uvcoords (Uvcoords) float2
uvcoordsX (Uvcoords X) float
uvcoordsY (Uvcoords Y) float
uvset (Uvset) string
multiply (Multiply) float3
multiplyR (Multiply R) float
multiplyG (Multiply G) float
multiplyB (Multiply B) float
offset (Offset) float3
offsetR (Offset R) float
offsetG (Offset G) float
offsetB (Offset B) float
ignoreMissingTextures (Ignore Missing Textures) bool
missingTextureColorA (Missing Texture Color A) float
missingTextureColor (Missing Texture Color) float3
missingTextureColorR (Missing Texture Color R) float
missingTextureColorG (Missing Texture Color G) float
missingTextureColorB (Missing Texture Color B) float
aiUserOptions (Ai User Options) string
autoTx (Auto Tx) bool
colorManagementConfigFileEnabled (Color Management Config File Enabled) bool
colorManagementConfigFilePath (Color Management Config File Path) string
colorManagementEnabled (Color Management Enabled) bool
colorProfile (Color Profile) long
colorSpace (Color Space) string
workingSpace (Working Space) string
ignoreColorSpaceFileRules (Ignore Color Space File Rules) bool


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
outColor (Out Color) float3
outColorR (Out Color R) float
outColorG (Out Color G) float
outColorB (Out Color B) float
outTransparency (Out Transparency) float3
outTransparencyR (Out Transparency R) float
outTransparencyG (Out Transparency G) float
outTransparencyB (Out Transparency B) float
octaves (Octaves) long
distortion (Distortion) float
lacunarity (Lacunarity) float
amplitude (Amplitude) float
scale (Scale) float3
scaleX (Scale X) float
scaleY (Scale Y) float
scaleZ (Scale Z) float
offset (Offset) float3
offsetX (Offset X) float
offsetY (Offset Y) float
offsetZ (Offset Z) float
coordSpace (Coord Space) enum
P (P) float3
PX (PX) float
PY (PY) float
PZ (PZ) float
time (Time) float
color1 (Color 1) float3
color1R (Color 1R) float
color1G (Color 1G) float
color1B (Color 1B) float
color2 (Color 2) float3
color2R (Color 2R) float
color2G (Color 2G) float
color2B (Color 2B) float
mode (Mode) enum


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
hyperLayout (Hyper Layout) message
isCollapsed (Is Collapsed) bool
blackBox (Black Box) bool
borderConnections (Border Connections) message
isHierarchicalConnection (Is Hierarchical Connection) TdataCompound
publishedNodeInfo (Published Node Info) TdataCompound
rmbCommand (Rmb Command) string
templateName (Template Name) string
templatePath (Template Path) string
viewName (View Name) string
iconName (Icon Name) string
viewMode (View Mode) enum
templateVersion (Template Version) long
uiTreatment (Ui Treatment) enum
customTreatment (Custom Treatment) string
creator (Creator) string
creationDate (Creation Date) string
containerType (Container Type) string
boundingBox (Bounding Box) TdataCompound
boundingBoxMin (Bounding Box Min) double3
boundingBoxMinX (Bounding Box Min X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinY (Bounding Box Min Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinZ (Bounding Box Min Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMax (Bounding Box Max) double3
boundingBoxMaxX (Bounding Box Max X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxY (Bounding Box Max Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxZ (Bounding Box Max Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSize (Bounding Box Size) double3
boundingBoxSizeX (Bounding Box Size X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeY (Bounding Box Size Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeZ (Bounding Box Size Z) doubleLinear
center (Center) double3
boundingBoxCenterX (Bounding Box Center X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterY (Bounding Box Center Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterZ (Bounding Box Center Z) doubleLinear
matrix (Matrix) matrix
inverseMatrix (Inverse Matrix) matrix
worldMatrix (World Matrix[0]) matrix
worldInverseMatrix (World Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
parentMatrix (Parent Matrix[0]) matrix
parentInverseMatrix (Parent Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
visibility (Visibility) bool
intermediateObject (Intermediate Object) bool
template (Template) bool
ghosting (Ghosting) bool
instObjGroups (Inst Obj Groups[0]) TdataCompound
instObjGroups.objectGroups (Object Groups) TdataCompound
objectColorRGB (Object Color RGB) float3
objectColorR (Object Color R) float
objectColorG (Object Color G) float
objectColorB (Object Color B) float
wireColorRGB (Wire Color RGB) float3
wireColorR (Wire Color R) float
wireColorG (Wire Color G) float
wireColorB (Wire Color B) float
useObjectColor (Use Object Color) enum
objectColor (Object Color) short
drawOverride (Draw Override) TdataCompound
overrideDisplayType (Override Display Type) enum
overrideLevelOfDetail (Override Level Of Detail) enum
overrideShading (Override Shading) bool
overrideTexturing (Override Texturing) bool
overridePlayback (Override Playback) bool
overrideEnabled (Override Enabled) bool
overrideVisibility (Override Visibility) bool
hideOnPlayback (Hide On Playback) bool
overrideRGBColors (Override RGBColors) bool
overrideColor (Override Color) byte
overrideColorRGB (Override Color RGB) float3
overrideColorR (Override Color R) float
overrideColorG (Override Color G) float
overrideColorB (Override Color B) float
lodVisibility (Lod Visibility) bool
selectionChildHighlighting (Selection Child Highlighting) bool
renderInfo (Render Info) TdataCompound
identification (Identification) short
layerRenderable (Layer Renderable) bool
layerOverrideColor (Layer Override Color) byte
renderLayerInfo (Render Layer Info) TdataCompound
ghostingControl (Ghosting Control) enum
ghostCustomSteps (Ghost Custom Steps) TdataCompound
ghostPreSteps (Ghost Pre Steps) long
ghostPostSteps (Ghost Post Steps) long
ghostStepSize (Ghost Step Size) long
ghostFrames (Ghost Frames)
ghostColorPreA (Ghost Color Pre A) float
ghostColorPre (Ghost Color Pre) float3
ghostColorPreR (Ghost Color Pre R) float
ghostColorPreG (Ghost Color Pre G) float
ghostColorPreB (Ghost Color Pre B) float
ghostColorPostA (Ghost Color Post A) float
ghostColorPost (Ghost Color Post) float3
ghostColorPostR (Ghost Color Post R) float
ghostColorPostG (Ghost Color Post G) float
ghostColorPostB (Ghost Color Post B) float
ghostRangeStart (Ghost Range Start) time
ghostRangeEnd (Ghost Range End) time
ghostDriver (Ghost Driver) message
hiddenInOutliner (Hidden In Outliner) bool
useOutlinerColor (Use Outliner Color) bool
outlinerColor (Outliner Color) float3
outlinerColorR (Outliner Color R) float
outlinerColorG (Outliner Color G) float
outlinerColorB (Outliner Color B) float
renderType (Render Type) short
renderVolume (Render Volume) bool
visibleFraction (Visible Fraction) float
hardwareFogMultiplier (Hardware Fog Multiplier) float
motionBlur (Motion Blur) bool
visibleInReflections (Visible In Reflections) bool
visibleInRefractions (Visible In Refractions) bool
castsShadows (Casts Shadows) bool
receiveShadows (Receive Shadows) bool
asBackground (As Background) bool
maxVisibilitySamplesOverride (Max Visibility Samples Override) bool
maxVisibilitySamples (Max Visibility Samples) long
geometryAntialiasingOverride (Geometry Antialiasing Override) bool
antialiasingLevel (Antialiasing Level) long
shadingSamplesOverride (Shading Samples Override) bool
shadingSamples (Shading Samples) long
maxShadingSamples (Max Shading Samples) long
volumeSamplesOverride (Volume Samples Override) bool
volumeSamples (Volume Samples) long
depthJitter (Depth Jitter) bool
ignoreSelfShadowing (Ignore Self Shadowing) bool
primaryVisibility (Primary Visibility) bool
referenceObject (Reference Object) message
compInstObjGroups (Comp Inst Obj Groups[0]) TdataCompound
compInstObjGroups.compObjectGroups (Comp Object Groups) TdataCompound
pickTexture (Pick Texture) message
underWorldObject (Under World Object) bool
localPosition (Local Position) double3
localPositionX (Local Position X) doubleLinear
localPositionY (Local Position Y) doubleLinear
localPositionZ (Local Position Z) doubleLinear
worldPosition (World Position[0]) double3
worldPosition.worldPositionX (World Position X) doubleLinear
worldPosition.worldPositionY (World Position Y) doubleLinear
worldPosition.worldPositionZ (World Position Z) doubleLinear
localScale (Local Scale) double3
localScaleX (Local Scale X) doubleLinear
localScaleY (Local Scale Y) doubleLinear
localScaleZ (Local Scale Z) doubleLinear
color (Color) float3
colorR (Color R) float
colorG (Color G) float
colorB (Color B) float
format (Format) enum
skyRadius (Sky Radius) float
skyFacing (Sky Facing) enum
sampling (Sampling) enum
hwtexalpha (Hwtexalpha) float
intensity (Intensity) float
aiVisibleInDiffuseReflection (Ai Visible In Diffuse Reflection) bool
aiVisibleInSpecularReflection (Ai Visible In Specular Reflection) bool
aiVisibleInDiffuseTransmission (Ai Visible In Diffuse Transmission) bool
aiVisibleInSpecularTransmission (Ai Visible In Specular Transmission) bool
aiVisibleInVolume (Ai Visible In Volume) bool
outColor (Out Color) float3
outColorR (Out Color R) float
outColorG (Out Color G) float
outColorB (Out Color B) float
outTransparency (Out Transparency) float3
outTransparencyR (Out Transparency R) float
outTransparencyG (Out Transparency G) float
outTransparencyB (Out Transparency B) float

Arnold Shader


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
outColor (Out Color) float3
outColorR (Out Color R) float
outColorG (Out Color G) float
outColorB (Out Color B) float
outAlpha (Out Alpha) float
outTransparency (Out Transparency) float3
outTransparencyR (Out Transparency R) float
outTransparencyG (Out Transparency G) float
outTransparencyB (Out Transparency B) float
normalCamera (Normal Camera) float3
normalCameraX (Normal Camera X) float
normalCameraY (Normal Camera Y) float
normalCameraZ (Normal Camera Z) float
aiEnableMatte (Ai Enable Matte) bool
aiMatteColor (Ai Matte Color) float3
aiMatteColorR (Ai Matte Color R) float
aiMatteColorG (Ai Matte Color G) float
aiMatteColorB (Ai Matte Color B) float
aiMatteColorA (Ai Matte Color A) float
base (Base) float
baseColor (Base Color) float3
baseColorR (Base Color R) float
baseColorG (Base Color G) float
baseColorB (Base Color B) float
diffuseRoughness (Diffuse Roughness) float
specular (Specular) float
specularColor (Specular Color) float3
specularColorR (Specular Color R) float
specularColorG (Specular Color G) float
specularColorB (Specular Color B) float
specularRoughness (Specular Roughness) float
specularIOR (Specular IOR) float
specularAnisotropy (Specular Anisotropy) float
specularRotation (Specular Rotation) float
metalness (Metalness) float
transmission (Transmission) float
transmissionColor (Transmission Color) float3
transmissionColorR (Transmission Color R) float
transmissionColorG (Transmission Color G) float
transmissionColorB (Transmission Color B) float
transmissionDepth (Transmission Depth) float
transmissionScatter (Transmission Scatter) float3
transmissionScatterR (Transmission Scatter R) float
transmissionScatterG (Transmission Scatter G) float
transmissionScatterB (Transmission Scatter B) float
transmissionScatterAnisotropy (Transmission Scatter Anisotropy) float
transmissionDispersion (Transmission Dispersion) float
transmissionExtraRoughness (Transmission Extra Roughness) float
subsurface (Subsurface) float
subsurfaceColor (Subsurface Color) float3
subsurfaceColorR (Subsurface Color R) float
subsurfaceColorG (Subsurface Color G) float
subsurfaceColorB (Subsurface Color B) float
subsurfaceRadius (Subsurface Radius) float3
subsurfaceRadiusR (Subsurface Radius R) float
subsurfaceRadiusG (Subsurface Radius G) float
subsurfaceRadiusB (Subsurface Radius B) float
subsurfaceScale (Subsurface Scale) float
thinWalled (Thin Walled) bool
tangent (Tangent) float3
tangentX (Tangent X) float
tangentY (Tangent Y) float
tangentZ (Tangent Z) float
coat (Coat) float
coatColor (Coat Color) float3
coatColorR (Coat Color R) float
coatColorG (Coat Color G) float
coatColorB (Coat Color B) float
coatRoughness (Coat Roughness) float
coatIOR (Coat IOR) float
coatNormal (Coat Normal) float3
coatNormalX (Coat Normal X) float
coatNormalY (Coat Normal Y) float
coatNormalZ (Coat Normal Z) float
thinFilmThickness (Thin Film Thickness) float
thinFilmIOR (Thin Film IOR) float
emission (Emission) float
emissionColor (Emission Color) float3
emissionColorR (Emission Color R) float
emissionColorG (Emission Color G) float
emissionColorB (Emission Color B) float
opacity (Opacity) float3
opacityR (Opacity R) float
opacityG (Opacity G) float
opacityB (Opacity B) float
caustics (Caustics) bool
internalReflections (Internal Reflections) bool
exitToBackground (Exit To Background) bool
indirectDiffuse (Indirect Diffuse) float
indirectSpecular (Indirect Specular) float


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
outColor (Out Color) float3
outColorR (Out Color R) float
outColorG (Out Color G) float
outColorB (Out Color B) float
outAlpha (Out Alpha) float
outTransparency (Out Transparency) float3
outTransparencyR (Out Transparency R) float
outTransparencyG (Out Transparency G) float
outTransparencyB (Out Transparency B) float
density (Density) float
densityChannel (Density Channel) string
scatter (Scatter) float
scatterColor (Scatter Color) float3
scatterColorR (Scatter Color R) float
scatterColorG (Scatter Color G) float
scatterColorB (Scatter Color B) float
scatterColorChannel (Scatter Color Channel) string
scatterAnisotropy (Scatter Anisotropy) float
transparent (Transparent) float3
transparentR (Transparent R) float
transparentG (Transparent G) float
transparentB (Transparent B) float
transparentDepth (Transparent Depth) float
transparentChannel (Transparent Channel) string
emissionMode (Emission Mode) enum
emission (Emission) float
emissionColor (Emission Color) float3
emissionColorR (Emission Color R) float
emissionColorG (Emission Color G) float
emissionColorB (Emission Color B) float
emissionChannel (Emission Channel) string
temperature (Temperature) float
temperatureChannel (Temperature Channel) string
blackbodyKelvin (Blackbody Kelvin) float
blackbodyIntensity (Blackbody Intensity) float
displacement (Displacement) float3
displacementX (Displacement X) float
displacementY (Displacement Y) float
displacementZ (Displacement Z) float
interpolation (Interpolation) enum

Arnold Light


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
hyperLayout (Hyper Layout) message
isCollapsed (Is Collapsed) bool
blackBox (Black Box) bool
borderConnections (Border Connections) message
isHierarchicalConnection (Is Hierarchical Connection) TdataCompound
publishedNodeInfo (Published Node Info) TdataCompound
rmbCommand (Rmb Command) string
templateName (Template Name) string
templatePath (Template Path) string
viewName (View Name) string
iconName (Icon Name) string
viewMode (View Mode) enum
templateVersion (Template Version) long
uiTreatment (Ui Treatment) enum
customTreatment (Custom Treatment) string
creator (Creator) string
creationDate (Creation Date) string
containerType (Container Type) string
boundingBox (Bounding Box) TdataCompound
boundingBoxMin (Bounding Box Min) double3
boundingBoxMinX (Bounding Box Min X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinY (Bounding Box Min Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinZ (Bounding Box Min Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMax (Bounding Box Max) double3
boundingBoxMaxX (Bounding Box Max X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxY (Bounding Box Max Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxZ (Bounding Box Max Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSize (Bounding Box Size) double3
boundingBoxSizeX (Bounding Box Size X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeY (Bounding Box Size Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeZ (Bounding Box Size Z) doubleLinear
center (Center) double3
boundingBoxCenterX (Bounding Box Center X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterY (Bounding Box Center Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterZ (Bounding Box Center Z) doubleLinear
matrix (Matrix) matrix
inverseMatrix (Inverse Matrix) matrix
worldMatrix (World Matrix[0]) matrix
worldInverseMatrix (World Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
parentMatrix (Parent Matrix[0]) matrix
parentInverseMatrix (Parent Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
visibility (Visibility) bool
intermediateObject (Intermediate Object) bool
template (Template) bool
ghosting (Ghosting) bool
instObjGroups (Inst Obj Groups[0]) TdataCompound
instObjGroups.objectGroups (Object Groups) TdataCompound
objectColorRGB (Object Color RGB) float3
objectColorR (Object Color R) float
objectColorG (Object Color G) float
objectColorB (Object Color B) float
wireColorRGB (Wire Color RGB) float3
wireColorR (Wire Color R) float
wireColorG (Wire Color G) float
wireColorB (Wire Color B) float
useObjectColor (Use Object Color) enum
objectColor (Object Color) short
drawOverride (Draw Override) TdataCompound
overrideDisplayType (Override Display Type) enum
overrideLevelOfDetail (Override Level Of Detail) enum
overrideShading (Override Shading) bool
overrideTexturing (Override Texturing) bool
overridePlayback (Override Playback) bool
overrideEnabled (Override Enabled) bool
overrideVisibility (Override Visibility) bool
hideOnPlayback (Hide On Playback) bool
overrideRGBColors (Override RGBColors) bool
overrideColor (Override Color) byte
overrideColorRGB (Override Color RGB) float3
overrideColorR (Override Color R) float
overrideColorG (Override Color G) float
overrideColorB (Override Color B) float
lodVisibility (Lod Visibility) bool
selectionChildHighlighting (Selection Child Highlighting) bool
renderInfo (Render Info) TdataCompound
identification (Identification) short
layerRenderable (Layer Renderable) bool
layerOverrideColor (Layer Override Color) byte
renderLayerInfo (Render Layer Info) TdataCompound
ghostingControl (Ghosting Control) enum
ghostCustomSteps (Ghost Custom Steps) TdataCompound
ghostPreSteps (Ghost Pre Steps) long
ghostPostSteps (Ghost Post Steps) long
ghostStepSize (Ghost Step Size) long
ghostFrames (Ghost Frames)
ghostColorPreA (Ghost Color Pre A) float
ghostColorPre (Ghost Color Pre) float3
ghostColorPreR (Ghost Color Pre R) float
ghostColorPreG (Ghost Color Pre G) float
ghostColorPreB (Ghost Color Pre B) float
ghostColorPostA (Ghost Color Post A) float
ghostColorPost (Ghost Color Post) float3
ghostColorPostR (Ghost Color Post R) float
ghostColorPostG (Ghost Color Post G) float
ghostColorPostB (Ghost Color Post B) float
ghostRangeStart (Ghost Range Start) time
ghostRangeEnd (Ghost Range End) time
ghostDriver (Ghost Driver) message
hiddenInOutliner (Hidden In Outliner) bool
useOutlinerColor (Use Outliner Color) bool
outlinerColor (Outliner Color) float3
outlinerColorR (Outliner Color R) float
outlinerColorG (Outliner Color G) float
outlinerColorB (Outliner Color B) float
renderType (Render Type) short
renderVolume (Render Volume) bool
visibleFraction (Visible Fraction) float
hardwareFogMultiplier (Hardware Fog Multiplier) float
motionBlur (Motion Blur) bool
visibleInReflections (Visible In Reflections) bool
visibleInRefractions (Visible In Refractions) bool
castsShadows (Casts Shadows) bool
receiveShadows (Receive Shadows) bool
asBackground (As Background) bool
maxVisibilitySamplesOverride (Max Visibility Samples Override) bool
maxVisibilitySamples (Max Visibility Samples) long
geometryAntialiasingOverride (Geometry Antialiasing Override) bool
antialiasingLevel (Antialiasing Level) long
shadingSamplesOverride (Shading Samples Override) bool
shadingSamples (Shading Samples) long
maxShadingSamples (Max Shading Samples) long
volumeSamplesOverride (Volume Samples Override) bool
volumeSamples (Volume Samples) long
depthJitter (Depth Jitter) bool
ignoreSelfShadowing (Ignore Self Shadowing) bool
primaryVisibility (Primary Visibility) bool
referenceObject (Reference Object) message
compInstObjGroups (Comp Inst Obj Groups[0]) TdataCompound
compInstObjGroups.compObjectGroups (Comp Object Groups) TdataCompound
pickTexture (Pick Texture) message
underWorldObject (Under World Object) bool
localPosition (Local Position) double3
localPositionX (Local Position X) doubleLinear
localPositionY (Local Position Y) doubleLinear
localPositionZ (Local Position Z) doubleLinear
worldPosition (World Position[0]) double3
worldPosition.worldPositionX (World Position X) doubleLinear
worldPosition.worldPositionY (World Position Y) doubleLinear
worldPosition.worldPositionZ (World Position Z) doubleLinear
localScale (Local Scale) double3
localScaleX (Local Scale X) doubleLinear
localScaleY (Local Scale Y) doubleLinear
localScaleZ (Local Scale Z) doubleLinear
color (Color) float3
colorR (Color R) float
colorG (Color G) float
colorB (Color B) float
intensity (Intensity) float
pointCamera (Point Camera) float3
pointCameraX (Point Camera X) float
pointCameraY (Point Camera Y) float
pointCameraZ (Point Camera Z) float
normalCamera (Normal Camera) float3
normalCameraX (Normal Camera X) float
normalCameraY (Normal Camera Y) float
normalCameraZ (Normal Camera Z) float
update (Update) bool
outColor (Out Color) float3
outColorR (Out Color R) float
outColorG (Out Color G) float
outColorB (Out Color B) float
outTransparency (Out Transparency) float3
outTransparencyR (Out Transparency R) float
outTransparencyG (Out Transparency G) float
outTransparencyB (Out Transparency B) float
lightData (Light Data) TdataCompound
lightDirection (Light Direction) float3
lightDirectionX (Light Direction X) float
lightDirectionY (Light Direction Y) float
lightDirectionZ (Light Direction Z) float
lightIntensity (Light Intensity) float3
lightIntensityR (Light Intensity R) float
lightIntensityG (Light Intensity G) float
lightIntensityB (Light Intensity B) float
lightAmbient (Light Ambient) bool
lightDiffuse (Light Diffuse) bool
lightSpecular (Light Specular) bool
lightShadowFraction (Light Shadow Fraction) float
preShadowIntensity (Pre Shadow Intensity) float
lightBlindData (Light Blind Data) addr
dropoff (Dropoff) double
decayRate (Decay Rate) short
useRayTraceShadows (Use Ray Trace Shadows) bool
dmapResolution (Dmap Resolution) short
shadowColor (Shadow Color) float3
shadowColorR (Shadow Color R) float
shadowColorG (Shadow Color G) float
shadowColorB (Shadow Color B) float
aiUserOptions (Ai User Options) string
aiCastShadows (Ai Cast Shadows) bool
aiShadowDensity (Ai Shadow Density) float
exposure (exposure) float
aiSamples (Ai Samples) long
aiNormalize (Ai Normalize) bool
aiFilters (Ai Filters) message
aiDiffuse (Ai Diffuse) float
aiSpecular (Ai Specular) float
aiSss (Ai Sss) float
aiIndirect (Ai Indirect) float
aiVolume (Ai Volume) float
aiMaxBounces (Ai Max Bounces) long
aiVolumeSamples (Ai Volume Samples) long
aiAov (Ai Aov) string
aiUseColorTemperature (Ai Use Color Temperature) bool
aiColorTemperature (Ai Color Temperature) float
aiShadowColor (Ai Shadow Color) float3
aiShadowColorR (Ai Shadow Color R) float
aiShadowColorG (Ai Shadow Color G) float
aiShadowColorB (Ai Shadow Color B) float
aiResolution (Ai Resolution) long
aiSpread (Ai Spread) float
aiRoundness (Ai Roundness) float
aiSoftEdge (Ai Soft Edge) float
aiCastVolumetricShadows (Ai Cast Volumetric Shadows) bool
aiTranslator (Ai Translator) string
attributeAliasList (Attribute Alias List) attributeAlias


Name Format Comments
frozen (Frozen) bool
isHistoricallyInteresting (Is Historically Interesting) byte
nodeState (Node State) enum
binMembership (Bin Membership) string
hyperLayout (Hyper Layout) message
isCollapsed (Is Collapsed) bool
blackBox (Black Box) bool
borderConnections (Border Connections) message
isHierarchicalConnection (Is Hierarchical Connection) TdataCompound
publishedNodeInfo (Published Node Info) TdataCompound
rmbCommand (Rmb Command) string
templateName (Template Name) string
templatePath (Template Path) string
viewName (View Name) string
iconName (Icon Name) string
viewMode (View Mode) enum
templateVersion (Template Version) long
uiTreatment (Ui Treatment) enum
customTreatment (Custom Treatment) string
creator (Creator) string
creationDate (Creation Date) string
containerType (Container Type) string
boundingBox (Bounding Box) TdataCompound
boundingBoxMin (Bounding Box Min) double3
boundingBoxMinX (Bounding Box Min X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinY (Bounding Box Min Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMinZ (Bounding Box Min Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMax (Bounding Box Max) double3
boundingBoxMaxX (Bounding Box Max X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxY (Bounding Box Max Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxMaxZ (Bounding Box Max Z) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSize (Bounding Box Size) double3
boundingBoxSizeX (Bounding Box Size X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeY (Bounding Box Size Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxSizeZ (Bounding Box Size Z) doubleLinear
center (Center) double3
boundingBoxCenterX (Bounding Box Center X) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterY (Bounding Box Center Y) doubleLinear
boundingBoxCenterZ (Bounding Box Center Z) doubleLinear
matrix (Matrix) matrix
inverseMatrix (Inverse Matrix) matrix
worldMatrix (World Matrix[0]) matrix
worldInverseMatrix (World Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
parentMatrix (Parent Matrix[0]) matrix
parentInverseMatrix (Parent Inverse Matrix[0]) matrix
visibility (Visibility) bool
intermediateObject (Intermediate Object) bool
template (Template) bool
ghosting (Ghosting) bool
instObjGroups (Inst Obj Groups[0]) TdataCompound
instObjGroups.objectGroups (Object Groups) TdataCompound
objectColorRGB (Object Color RGB) float3
objectColorR (Object Color R) float
objectColorG (Object Color G) float
objectColorB (Object Color B) float
wireColorRGB (Wire Color RGB) float3
wireColorR (Wire Color R) float
wireColorG (Wire Color G) float
wireColorB (Wire Color B) float
useObjectColor (Use Object Color) enum
objectColor (Object Color) short
drawOverride (Draw Override) TdataCompound
overrideDisplayType (Override Display Type) enum
overrideLevelOfDetail (Override Level Of Detail) enum
overrideShading (Override Shading) bool
overrideTexturing (Override Texturing) bool
overridePlayback (Override Playback) bool
overrideEnabled (Override Enabled) bool
overrideVisibility (Override Visibility) bool
hideOnPlayback (Hide On Playback) bool
overrideRGBColors (Override RGBColors) bool
overrideColor (Override Color) byte
overrideColorRGB (Override Color RGB) float3
overrideColorR (Override Color R) float
overrideColorG (Override Color G) float
overrideColorB (Override Color B) float
lodVisibility (Lod Visibility) bool
selectionChildHighlighting (Selection Child Highlighting) bool
renderInfo (Render Info) TdataCompound
identification (Identification) short
layerRenderable (Layer Renderable) bool
layerOverrideColor (Layer Override Color) byte
renderLayerInfo (Render Layer Info) TdataCompound
ghostingControl (Ghosting Control) enum
ghostCustomSteps (Ghost Custom Steps) TdataCompound
ghostPreSteps (Ghost Pre Steps) long
ghostPostSteps (Ghost Post Steps) long
ghostStepSize (Ghost Step Size) long
ghostFrames (Ghost Frames)
ghostColorPreA (Ghost Color Pre A) float
ghostColorPre (Ghost Color Pre) float3
ghostColorPreR (Ghost Color Pre R) float
ghostColorPreG (Ghost Color Pre G) float
ghostColorPreB (Ghost Color Pre B) float
ghostColorPostA (Ghost Color Post A) float
ghostColorPost (Ghost Color Post) float3
ghostColorPostR (Ghost Color Post R) float
ghostColorPostG (Ghost Color Post G) float
ghostColorPostB (Ghost Color Post B) float
ghostRangeStart (Ghost Range Start) time
ghostRangeEnd (Ghost Range End) time
ghostDriver (Ghost Driver) message
hiddenInOutliner (Hidden In Outliner) bool
useOutlinerColor (Use Outliner Color) bool
outlinerColor (Outliner Color) float3
outlinerColorR (Outliner Color R) float
outlinerColorG (Outliner Color G) float
outlinerColorB (Outliner Color B) float
renderType (Render Type) short
renderVolume (Render Volume) bool
visibleFraction (Visible Fraction) float
hardwareFogMultiplier (Hardware Fog Multiplier) float
motionBlur (Motion Blur) bool
visibleInReflections (Visible In Reflections) bool
visibleInRefractions (Visible In Refractions) bool
castsShadows (Casts Shadows) bool
receiveShadows (Receive Shadows) bool
asBackground (As Background) bool
maxVisibilitySamplesOverride (Max Visibility Samples Override) bool
maxVisibilitySamples (Max Visibility Samples) long
geometryAntialiasingOverride (Geometry Antialiasing Override) bool
antialiasingLevel (Antialiasing Level) long
shadingSamplesOverride (Shading Samples Override) bool
shadingSamples (Shading Samples) long
maxShadingSamples (Max Shading Samples) long
volumeSamplesOverride (Volume Samples Override) bool
volumeSamples (Volume Samples) long
depthJitter (Depth Jitter) bool
ignoreSelfShadowing (Ignore Self Shadowing) bool
primaryVisibility (Primary Visibility) bool
referenceObject (Reference Object) message
compInstObjGroups (Comp Inst Obj Groups[0]) TdataCompound
compInstObjGroups.compObjectGroups (Comp Object Groups) TdataCompound
pickTexture (Pick Texture) message
underWorldObject (Under World Object) bool
localPosition (Local Position) double3
localPositionX (Local Position X) doubleLinear
localPositionY (Local Position Y) doubleLinear
localPositionZ (Local Position Z) doubleLinear
worldPosition (World Position[0]) double3
worldPosition.worldPositionX (World Position X) doubleLinear
worldPosition.worldPositionY (World Position Y) doubleLinear
worldPosition.worldPositionZ (World Position Z) doubleLinear
localScale (Local Scale) double3
localScaleX (Local Scale X) doubleLinear
localScaleY (Local Scale Y) doubleLinear
localScaleZ (Local Scale Z) doubleLinear
color (Color) float3
colorR (Color R) float
colorG (Color G) float
colorB (Color B) float
intensity (Intensity) float
pointCamera (Point Camera) float3
pointCameraX (Point Camera X) float
pointCameraY (Point Camera Y) float
pointCameraZ (Point Camera Z) float
normalCamera (Normal Camera) float3
normalCameraX (Normal Camera X) float
normalCameraY (Normal Camera Y) float
normalCameraZ (Normal Camera Z) float
outColor (Out Color) float3
outColorR (Out Color R) float
outColorG (Out Color G) float
outColorB (Out Color B) float
outTransparency (Out Transparency) float3
outTransparencyR (Out Transparency R) float
outTransparencyG (Out Transparency G) float
outTransparencyB (Out Transparency B) float
lightData (Light Data) TdataCompound
lightDirection (Light Direction) float3
lightDirectionX (Light Direction X) float
lightDirectionY (Light Direction Y) float
lightDirectionZ (Light Direction Z) float
lightIntensity (Light Intensity) float3
lightIntensityR (Light Intensity R) float
lightIntensityG (Light Intensity G) float
lightIntensityB (Light Intensity B) float
lightAmbient (Light Ambient) bool
lightDiffuse (Light Diffuse) bool
lightSpecular (Light Specular) bool
lightShadowFraction (Light Shadow Fraction) float
preShadowIntensity (Pre Shadow Intensity) float
lightBlindData (Light Blind Data) addr
coneAngle (Cone Angle) double
penumbraAngle (Penumbra Angle) double
dropoff (Dropoff) double
decayRate (Decay Rate) short
useRayTraceShadows (Use Ray Trace Shadows) bool
dmapResolution (Dmap Resolution) short
shadowColor (Shadow Color) float3
shadowColorR (Shadow Color R) float
shadowColorG (Shadow Color G) float
shadowColorB (Shadow Color B) float
aiUserOptions (Ai User Options) string
aiCastShadows (Ai Cast Shadows) bool
aiShadowDensity (Ai Shadow Density) float
exposure (exposure) float
aiSamples (Ai Samples) long
aiNormalize (Ai Normalize) bool
aiFilters (Ai Filters) message
aiDiffuse (Ai Diffuse) float
aiSpecular (Ai Specular) float
aiSss (Ai Sss) float
aiIndirect (Ai Indirect) float
aiVolume (Ai Volume) float
aiMaxBounces (Ai Max Bounces) long
aiVolumeSamples (Ai Volume Samples) long
aiAov (Ai Aov) string
aiUseColorTemperature (Ai Use Color Temperature) bool
aiColorTemperature (Ai Color Temperature) float
aiRadius (Ai Radius) float
aiCastVolumetricShadows (Ai Cast Volumetric Shadows) bool
aiShadowColor (Ai Shadow Color) float3
aiShadowColorR (Ai Shadow Color R) float
aiShadowColorG (Ai Shadow Color G) float
aiShadowColorB (Ai Shadow Color B) float
aiFilename (Ai Filename) string
attributeAliasList (Attribute Alias List) attributeAlias